Healthy Start is a pregnancy and parent & baby program.


Pregnancy Group Pregnancy Group We welcome people who are pregnant to learn about having a baby in a comfortable, supportive environment. Parenting Group Parent &
Baby Group
We welcome parents with babies under age 1 to connect in an interactive and supportive learning environment.
Recipes Learn to prepare healthy meals for you and your family.


Parents & Babies





Welcome to Healthy Start

Healthy Start is a place where people who are pregnant and parents/caregivers with babies up to one year can learn how to give their babies a great start.

Join Us

Healthy Start has free drop-in groups in 10 Winnipeg neighbourhoods and provides practical supports to participants. There is no cost to attend and no pre-registration is needed – you can just drop-in!

At each drop-in group you will find an outreach worker, dietitian and nurse to answer your questions.

When you come to Healthy Start you can expect:

Information related to pregnancy and parenting

Tasty food for you to eat

The opportunity to meet other people in your neighbourhood

A welcoming and inclusive space

Please go to our Drop-in calendar to find a group in your neighbourhood.

Call us anytime at 204-949-5350, email us at or drop into a group. Join us anytime, everyone is welcome!

Our Groups

To join any group, please email
or call the office at 204-949-5350.

Go to our Drop-in calendar to find a group in your community
or print a calendar for easy reference.

Sing and Rhyme

Mondays, 11:00 AM


Caregivers and their babies and preschoolers have a fun time learning new rhymes and songs. This group takes places on-line, please email for the Zoom link.

Tuesdays, 1:30 PM

North End – Turtle Island, 510 King St.
Seven Oaks/Maples – Maples Community Centre, 434 Adsum Dr.
Wolseley area – St. Peter’s Church, 65 Walnut St.

Wednesdays, 1:30 PM

Newcomer to Canada (with interpreters*) – Freight House, 200 Isabel St., Door #1
North End – St. John’s Leisure Centre, 601 Aikins St.
North End – Hope Centre, 240 Powers St.

*please call our office at 204-949-5350 to arrange interpreting

Thursday Drop-in

Thursdays, 1:30 PM

South End – Trinity United Church, 933 Summerside Ave.
Downtown – Magnus Eliason Rec Centre, 430 Langside Ave.
Downtown – Freight House, 200 Isabel St., Door #1

Friday Drop-in

Fridays, 10:00 AM

St. Boniface – Access St. Boniface, 170 Goulet

23 hours ago

Healthy Start
Looking for a speedy snack for yourself or your kids? Have you tried muffin in a mug? All you need is a mug, a microwave and 7 ingredients: 1 egg1 banana1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoons vanilla1/2 cup oats, quick1 tablespoon flax seed, ground (optional)2 tablespoon chocolate chips or raisins#quicksnacks #healthysnackideas #winnipegparents #winnipeghavingababy #winnipegmom #winnipegpregnancy #parentsupport #healthystart #Pregnancy #pregnancynutrition #winnipegparent #Breastfeeding ... See MoreSee Less
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2 days ago

Healthy Start
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5 days ago

Healthy Start
Taking care of yourself if very important. What do you do? If you need more ideas - join us at a Healthy Start dropin group. You do not need to register - just come to see us. Find a location near you on our website at Many participants of Healthy Start have shared that attending Healthy Start is how they take care of themselves. We will have food waiting for you, an inviting space, and an opportunity to participate in discussions or just listen. #winnipegparentsupport #Pregnancy #winnipegpregnancy #winnipegmom #winnipegparenting #winnipegparentingsupport #Breastfeeding #breastfeedingsupport #winnipegdad #parentsupport #winnipegmomordad ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

Healthy Start
Feeding your baby in the early days can be stressful and overwhelming. Join us at a Healthy Start dropin group to share your worries with other parents, ask questions to a Dietitian or Nurse or listen to the experiences of others. #winnipegparentingsupport #winnipegparenting #feedingyourbabywinnipeg #Breastfeeding #breastfeedingsupport #feedingyourbaby #infantfeedingwpg ... See MoreSee Less
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7 days ago

Healthy Start
Have you ever made a breakfast skillet? Despite the name - this meal can be eaten at lunch or dinner too! This is a great option when you need a quick meal or need to use vegetables in your fridge! Eggs can be fed to babies who are 6 months and older. You can find recipes and tips at #winnipegmomordad #parentingsupportwinnipeg #winnipegdad #winnipegparenting #winnipegparentingsupport #winnipegparent #infantfeedingwinnipeg #trysomethingnew #cooking #eatingwellinpregnancy ... See MoreSee Less
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To donate to Healthy Start

Canada Helps

To donate by cheque, please make cheque payable to Healthy Start for Mom & Me our address: 310-421 Mulvey Avenue East Winnipeg, MB R3L 0R6. A charitable tax receipt will be issued.

Take a Tour of a Healthy Start Group

At each drop-in group you will find an outreach worker, dietitian and public health nurse to answer your questions. We discuss topics related to pregnancy and parenting, offer tasty food and give you a chance to meet other people in your neighbourhood.

We hope you’ll join us in a community near you!


years of serving the community


people attend pregnancy and parenting groups annually


meals served annually at our 10 locations

We would like to acknowledge that we are in Treaty 1 territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Anisininew, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and on the homeland of the Red River Métis Nation. We also acknowledge Shoal Lake First Nation #40 on Treaty #3 territory for the water we use.

We thank all Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island, offering gratitude for the sacred gifts the water and land give us to feed and nurture our children and ourselves.

We acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past. Healthy Start is committed to reconciliation by honouring, listening and learning from Indigenous peoples and by working in partnership to build a healthy future for all children and families.